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Pediatric OT Mentorship Program

This program is designed to help Occupational Therapy Practitioners new to the field or experienced therapists who would like more strategies and tools to improve their therapy treatment.

Summer 2024 is underway and registration has closed!

Want to stay informed and get up to date information on the next mentorship cohort? Add you name to the interest list at the bottom of the page.

What Does the Mentorship Program Include?

The 6 weeks will look like this:

1.5 scheduled hours per week on a Live Zoom. It will be recorded in case anyone misses it. Handouts will be given weekly which include evaluation shells, clinical observation shells, home programming handouts, all ready to use for your clients!

Class registration also includes a closed FB group which will serve as a community for communication, questions, and brainstorms. We will keep this page "forever" so we can always have a support system

Cost is $450 and payments can be made in 2 parts if desired.

Class Size Limited to 12 Registrants.

6 Week Curriculum

  • Week 1: Introductions. Overview of Sensory Processing. Discussion about Evaluations

  • Week 2: Continuation of evaluations. Clinical Observations

  • Week 3: Parent Consultation, treatment overview (sensory processing -> Sensory motor -> Motor -> Skill. Along with discussion about bottom up and top down approaches- clinic-based and school-based approaches

  • Week 4: Self-Regulation, Where does it come from and how do we treat?

  • Week 5: Family centered therapy and home programming, identifying the priority needs. Case study #1

  • Week 6: Case study #2. Wrap up


Please add me to the interest list for the next Group Mentorship Program, beginning in Fall, 2024!